
Richtlijnen en referenties

Bestaande richtlijnen:
CBO richtlijn delirium (2005)
NHG standaard Delirium bij ouderen M77 (maart 2003)

(1) Frances, A.J. (2000). Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders: DSM IV-TR. Washington, DC: American Psychiatric Association.

(2) Nursing Academy, jaargang 1 nummer 2 najaar 2009.

(3) Inouye, S.K., Dyck, C.H., van, Alessi, C.A., Balkin, S., Siegal, A.P. & Horwitz, R.I. (1996). ‘Clarifying confusion: the confusion assessment method. A new method for detection of delirium’. Annals of Intern Medicine, 113 (12):941-948.

(4) Schuurmans, M.J., Shortridge-Baggett, L.M. & Duursma, S.A. (2003). ‘The Delirium Observation Screening Scale: a screening instrument for delirium’. Research and Theory for Nursing Practice, 17 (1):31.




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